In 1972, Woodall raised the following Ore type condition for directed Hamilton cycles in digraphs: Let D be a digraph. If for every vertex pair u and v, where there is no arc from u to v, we have dHamilton cycle. By a correspondence between bipartite graphs and digraphs, the above result is equivalent to the following result of Las Vergnas: Let G = (B, W ) be a balanced bipartite graph. If for any b ∈ B and w ∈ W , where b and w are nonadjacent, we have d(w) + d(b) ≥ |G|/2 + 1, then every perfect matching of G is contained in a Hamilton cycle.The lower bounds in both results are tight. In this paper, we reduce both bounds by 1, and prove that the conclusions still hold, with only a few exceptional cases that can be clearly characterized.