Growth of most rod-shaped bacteria is accompanied by the insertion of new peptidoglycan into the cylindrical cell wall. This insertion, which helps maintain and determine the shape of the cell, is guided by a complex protein machinery called the rod complex or elongasome. Although most of the proteins in this complex are essential under normal growth conditions, cell viability can be rescued, for reasons that are not understood, by the presence of a high (mM) Mg2+ concentration. We screened for natural product compounds that could rescue the growth of mutants affected in rod-complex function. By screening >2,000 extracts from a diverse collection of actinobacteria, we identified a new compound, mirubactin B, related to the known iron siderophore mirubactin A, which rescued growth in the low micromolar range, and this activity was confirmed by synthesising mirubactin B. The compound also displayed toxicity at higher concentrations, and this effect appears related to iron homeostasis. However, several lines of evidence suggest that the mirubactin B rescuing activity is not due simply to iron sequestration. The results demonstrate a novel antibacterial compound and add to growing evidence that bacterial siderophores have a range of activities beyond simple iron sequestration.