G (q)q + C (q,q)q + Q (q,q, t) + J T (q) λ = u. ( 2 ) G is the generalized mass matrix of the tree-system, Cq represents generalized Coriolis and centrifugal forces, Q represents all remaining forces, including EE loads, and u are the generalized control forces. The Lagrange multipliers λ can be identified with the constraint reactions in cut-joints. The vector q ∈ V n represents the PKM configuration. The configuration space (c-space) of the PKM model is defined by the geometric constraints:V := {q ∈ V n |h (q) = 0} . ( 3 ) If J has locally full rank r, one can select δ := n − r joint variables, called independent coordinates, such that the admissible configurations q ∈ V are functions of these independent coordinates. This induces a coordinate partitioning. If the rank of J is constant, the c-space is smooth δ-dimensional manifold and δ is the DOF of the PKM, see Müller (2009). A configuration q where the rank of J changes is called a c-space singularity since then V is not a smooth manifold in q. Denote with q 1 and q 2 respectively the vector of dependent and independent coordinates, the velocity constraints can be written aswhere J = (J 1 , J 2 ),withJ 1 (q) ∈ R r,r , J 2 (q) ∈ R r,δ . By definition of independent coordinates J 1 has full rank, and the generalized velocities can be expressed aṡ q = Fq 2 ,w h e r eF :where the matrix F is an orthogonal complement of J because JF ≡ 0 . The time derivative of (5) yields the accelerationsq = Fq 2 +Ḟq 2 . Due to the existence of kinematic loops, PKM comprise passive joints and only the m control forces corresponding to the active joints are present in u.D e n o t ew i t hc ≡ (c 1 ,...,c m ) the vector of generalized control forces in the actuated joints, and let A be that part of F so that F T u = A T c. This means that if q a denote the vector of m actuator coordinates, thenq a = Aq 2 .
Recent Advances in Robust Control -Theory and Applications in Robotics and Electromechanics
www.intechopen.com Robust Modeling and Control Issues of Parallel Manipulators with Actuation Redundancy 5Projecting the motion equations (2) of the tree-system to the configuration space V,w i t ht h e help of the orthogonal complement F,andwith(5),yields G(q)q 2 + C (q,q)q 2 + Q(q,q, t) = A T (q) cwhere G := F T GF, C :=F T (CF + GḞ), Q := F T Q.The δ = n − m equations (6) together with the r dynamic constraints Jq +Jq = 0 yield a system of n ODE's in the n generalized coordinates q that govern the PKM dynamics when controlled via the generalized control forces c. The equations (6) have been first proposed by Voronets (1901) and are a special kind of Maggi's equations, Maggi (1901). They have been proposed for use in multibody dynamics in Angles & Lee (1988); Wehage & Haug (1982), and were put forward for PKM modeling in Cheng et al. (2003); Müller (2005); Thanh et al. (2009). The PKM control problem can now be represented as the control-affine control systeṁwith state vector x := (q 2 ,q 2 ),wheref is the drift vector field, and the columns g i , i = 1,...,m are the control vector f...