A particle method is presented for computing vortex sheet motion in three-dimensional flow. The particles representing the sheet are advected by a regularized BiotSavart integral in which the exact singular kernel is replaced by the RosenheadMoore kernel. New particles are inserted to maintain resolution as the sheet rolls up. The particle velocities are evaluated by an adaptive treecode algorithm based on Taylor approximation in Cartesian coordinates, and the necessary Taylor coefficients are computed by a recurrence relation. The adaptive features include a divide-andconquer evaluation strategy, nonuniform rectangular clusters, variable-order approximation, and a run-time choice between Taylor approximation and direct summation. Tests are performed to document the treecode's accuracy and efficiency. The method is applied to simulate the roll-up of a circular-disk vortex sheet into a vortex ring. Two examples are presented, azimuthal waves on a vortex ring and the merger of two vortex rings.