A process model for turbulent pressurized circulating fl uidized-bed coal gasifi er is created using ASPEN PLUS software. Both hydrodynamic and reaction kinetics parameter are taken into account, whose expressions for fl uidized bed are adopted from the literature. Various reactor models available in ASPEN PLUS with calculator as External Block are nested to solve hydrodynamics and kinetics. Multiple operational parameters for a pilot-plant circulating fl uidized-bed coal gasifi er are used to demonstrate the effects on coal gasifi cation characteristics. This paper presents detailed information regarding the simulation model, including robust analysis of the effect of stoichiometric ratio, steam to coal ratio, gasifi cation temperature and gasifi cation agent temperature. It is observed that, with the increase in the fl ow rate of air, the components hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane reduce, which causes the Lower Heating Value (LHV) of synthesis gas (Syn. Gas) to decrease by about 29.3%, while increment in the steam fl ow rate shows a minute increase in heating value of only 0.8%. Stoichiometric ratio has a direct relationship to carbon conversion effi ciency and carbon dioxide production. Increasing the steam to coal ratio boosts the production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and causes a drop in both carbon dioxide concentration and the conversion effi ciency of carbon. High gasifying agent temperature is desired because of high concentration of CO and H 2 , increasing carbon conversion and LHV. A high gasifying agent temperature is the major factor that affects the coal gasifi cation to enhance H 2 and CO production rapidly along with other gasifi cation characteristics.