E. coli 16S RNA in solution was photoreacted With hydro%7Methyltrimethyl-psoralen and long wave ultraviolet light. Positions of crosslinks were determined to high resolution by partially digesting the RNA with r 1 RNase, separating the crosslinked fragme~ts by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, reversing the crosslink, and sequencing the separated frag-This method yielded the locations of crosslinks to ;t15 nucleotides.Even finer placement has been made on the basis of our knowledge of psoralen reactivity. · Thirteen unique crosslinks were mapped. Seven crosslinks confirmed regions of secondary structure which had been predicted in published phylogenetic models, three crosslinks discriminated between phylogenetic 1110dels, and three proved ~he existence of new structures. The new structures were all long range interactions which appear to be in dynamic equilibrium with local secondary structure. Because this technique yields direct information \ about the secondary structure of large RNAs, it should prove invaluable in studying the structure of other RNAs of all sizes.