Theoretical studies to date on the falling cylinder viscometer ( 1 , 3, 5, 8) assumed that entrance and exit effects could be neglected. Thus, experimentalists employing the falling cylinder viscometer (6, 10, 11) found it necessary to calibrate their viscometers to compensate for entrance and exit effects.This paper presents the development and solution of equations for incompressible, Newtonian fluid flow in the falling cylinder viscometer including entrance and exit effects, and experimental data corroborating the calculated results for N R~ < 25.
THEORYFor a steady, axisymmetric flow of an isothermal, inconipressible, Newtonian fluid with the assumption that p = f ( 2 ) o~$y, the equations of continuity and motion in cylindrical &ordinates are:Under the further assumption that entrance and exit effects are negligible, Lohrenz (8) determined that for a falling cylinder of radius KR, moving in the negative z direction through a tube of radius R filled with fluid: