Turkish Studies -Social SciencesVolume 14 Issue 6, 2019annesi okur-yazar olmayan öğrenciler namus adına kadına uygulanan şiddete daha olumlu bakmaktadır. Gelir düzeyi, gelinen bölge ve baba eğitim düzeyine göre gruplar arasında farklılık yoktur.
ABSTRACTViolence against women is one of the most important social problems in Turkey and in the rest of the world. One of the factors resulting in violence against women is supposedly the "honor" phenomenon, a product of patriarchal culture. In societies where honor culture is dominant, women are subjected to verbal, psychological, sexual and physical violence in the name of honor, and they even become victims of honor killings. Based on the assumption that attitudes towards violence against women in the name of honor are affected by sociodemographic variables, this study analyzes whether the attitudes of university students, who shall become the determinants and guiding agents of social structure in the future, differ in terms of socio-demographic factors such as gender, the area of study, class level, family income level, region of origin, and parental educational level.The study was carried out with 662 individuals who were determined by stratified and convenient sampling techniques in various departments of Sivas Cumhuriyet University. In addition to a personal information form, the Scale of Attitude towards Violence against Women in the Name of Honor (NKUŞTÖ), developed by Işık and Sakallı-Uğurlu (2009), was used in the study. The analysis of the collected data was conducted through independent samples t test for two groups and one way analysis of variance for three and more groups. According to the findings, in general, university students do not approve of violence against women in the name of honor; however, male students,students studying at health and science departments, the 1st and 2nd grade students, and students whose mother is illiterate exhibite more positive views on violence against women. Dissimilarly, no differences according to their level of income, region of origin and the education level of father has been found among the groups.