An efficient local coupled cluster method with single and double excitation operators and perturbative treatment of triple excitations [DF-LCCSD(T)] is described. All required two-electron integrals are evaluated using density fitting approximations. These have a negligible effect on the accuracy but reduce the computational effort by 1-2 orders of magnitude, as compared to standard integral-direct methods. Excitations are restricted to local subsets of non-orthogonal virtual orbitals (domain approximation). Depending on distance criteria, the correlated electron pairs are classified into strong, close, weak, and very distant pairs. Only strong pairs, which typically account for more than 90% of the correlation energy, are optimized in the LCCSD treatment. The remaining close and weak pairs are approximated by LMP2 (local second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory); very distant pairs are neglected. It is demonstrated that the accuracy of this scheme can be significantly improved by including the close pair LMP2 amplitudes in the LCCSD equations, as well as in the perturbative treatment of the triples excitations. Using this ansatz for the wavefunction, the evaluation and transformation of the two-electron integrals scale cubically with molecular size. If local density fitting approximations are activated, this is reduced to linear scaling. The LCCSD iterations scale quadratically, but linear scaling can be achieved by neglecting some terms involving contractions of single excitations. The accuracy and efficiency of the method is systematically tested using various approximations, and calculations for molecules with up to 90 atoms and 2636 basis functions are presented.