Voter registration is a crucial mechanism for electing leaders in most democratic countries. All people must undergo the voter registration process to participate in the election process. This procedure involves locating people entitled to cast ballots in elections and gathering their personal information into a list known as the registry of voters [1]. The right of a person to participate in any particular election to exercise their franchise is the first step toward credible and free elections in a democratic society. The right to vote is addressed through voter registration [2]. The essence of voter registration, according to [3], is to: Constrain access to voting Verify that only those allowed to vote in a specific jurisdiction may do so Verify that every voter casts only once *Author for correspondence The voter registration list may determine the best location for a polling site and how many voting stations and workers should be assigned to a specific polling location.Technology advancement has significantly changed the government, industrial, administrative, and academic sectors. In the current era, the usage of technology is essential for the process of voter registration. India is the world's most democratic country. India has 1.3 billion people, accounting for 17.7% of the world's population. India is usually recognized as the world's second most populated country.Based on the facts and data from the 2019 parliamentary elections, about 900 million of the world's 1.3 billion people are eligible to vote. Since the last election in 2014, 84 million new voters have been added to the voting rolls, but 300 million people are illiterate [4]. Thirty nine thousand people are