This paper outlines an approach that we are taking for elder-care applications in the smart home, involving cognitive errors and their compensation. Our approach involves high level modeling of daily activities of the elderly by breaking down these activities into smaller units, which can then be automatically recognized at a low level by collections of sensors placed in the homes of the elderly. This separation allows us to employ plan recognition algorithms and systems at a high level, while developing stand-alone activity recognition algorithms and systems at a low level. It also allows the mixing and matching of multi-modality sensors of various kinds that go to support the same high level requirement.Currently our plan recognition algorithms are still at a conceptual stage, whereas a number of low level activity recognition algorithms and systems have been developed. Herein we present our model for plan recognition, providing a brief survey of the background literature. We also present some concrete results that we have achieved for activity recognition, emphasizing how these results are incorporated into the overall plan recognition system.