“…While the reduction of CRs due to extinction has been experimentally reproduced in different species, like rats (e.g., Alfaro et al, 2018;Brooks & Bouton, 1993;Bustamante et al, 2019;González et al, 2016;Miguez et al, 2013Miguez et al, , 2014Miller et al, 2015;San Martín et al, 2018), pigeons (e.g., Brooks, 2000, rabbits (Gormezano et al, 1962), monkeys (Mineka et al, 1984), and humans (e.g., Blass et al, 1984;Diaz et al, 2017;Lira et al, 2016;Quezada et al, 2018), this procedure does not permanently eliminate the learned CRs. The immediate effect of extinction is robust, but there are some situations in which extinguished CRs recover.…”