Atomically precisem olecular metal-oxo clusters provide ideal modelst ou nderstand metal oxide surfaces, self-assembly,a nd form-function relationships. Devising strategies for synthesis and isolation of these molecular forms remains ac hallenge. Here, the synthesis of four Ln-Fe oxo clusters that feature the e-{Fe 13 }K egginc luster in their core is reported.T he {Fe 13 }m etal-oxo cluster motif is the building block of two important iron oxyhydroxyide phases in nature and technology,f errihydrite (as the d-isomer) and magnetite (the e-isomer). The reported e-{Fe 13 }K eggin isomer as an isolated molecule provides the opportunity to study the formation of ferrihydrite andm agnetite from this building unit. The four currently reported isostructural lanthanide-iron-oxo clusters are fully formulated [Y 12 Fe 33 (TEOA) 12 (Hyp) 6 (m 3 -OH) 20 (m 4 -O) 28 (H 2 O) 12 ](ClO 4 ) 23 ·50 H 2 O (1, Y 12 Fe 33 ), [Gd 12 Fe 33 (TEOA) 12 (Hyp) 6 (m 3 -OH) 20 (m 4 -O) 32 (H 2 O) 12 ]-(ClO 4 ) 15 ·50 H 2 O( 2, Gd 12 Fe 33 )a nd [Ln 16 Fe 29 (TEOA) 12 (Hyp) 6 (m 3 -OH) 24 (m 4 -O) 28 (H 2 O) 16 ](ClO 4 ) 16 (NO 3 ) 3 ·n H 2 O( Ln = Yf or 3, Y 16 Fe 29 , n = 37 and Ln = Gd for 4, Gd 16 Fe 29 n = 25;H yp = trans-4-Hydroxyl-l-proline and TEOA = triethanolamine). The next metal layer surrounding the e-{Fe 13 }c ore within thesec lusters exhibits as imilara rrangement as the magnetite lattice, and Fe and Ln can occupy the same positions. This provides the opportunity to construct af amily of compounds and optimize magnetic exchange in these molecules through compositiont uning.S mall-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and high-resolution electrosprayi onizationm ass spectrometry (HRESI-MS) show that these clusters are stable upon dissolution in both water ando rganic solvents, as af irst step to performing further chemistry towardsb uildingm agnetic arrays or investigating ferrihydrite and magnetite assembly from pre-nucleation clusters.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.