copper halides Cs3Cu2X5 (X = Cl,
Br, and I) have attracted much attention for optoelectronic
applications because of their self-trap excitons and high photoluminescence
quantum yield. Intrinsic point defects play a critical role in the
optoelectronic performance of these materials by affecting fundamental
properties, such as carrier mobility, lifetime, and recombination
rate. In this work, we have calculated, by means of quantum mechanical
calculations, formation energies and transition levels of all possible
intrinsic point defects in Cs3Cu2X5. We have found that only Xi and XCs defects
show simultaneously, deep transition energy levels and negative formation
energies. Interestingly, the dominant defect under halide-rich growth
conditions exhibits much higher concentration than that under halide-poor
conditions. Thus, avoiding the halide-rich conditions could help in
reducing the defect concentration.