of viability during hypoxic conditions is greatly reduced.
3,4Recent studies suggest a major role played by sodium We tried to verify this effect of sodium-free solutions in the in the pathogenesis of ischemic liver injury: in these isolated perfused rat liver as a more complex model. As sostudies, sodium-free media have been shown to offer prodium-free perfusions proved impossible because of extensive tection against hypoxic injury to isolated hepatocytes.vasoconstriction, we switched to the use of inhibitors of soAs sodium-free perfusions of the isolated rat liver proved dium transporters. Here, we present the effects of two inhibiimpossible because of extensive vasoconstriction, we astors of the Na 71% during 60 minutes of ischemia in controls to 148% caval vein was immediately divided distally to the renal veins. Thora-{ 80% after bumetanide application (P õ .05). Also, after cotomy was performed, and the suprahepatic vena cava inferior was 120 minutes of warm ischemia, LDH and aspartate ami-cannulated from the right atrium with a 14-gauge cannula (Braun). notransferase release were significantly decreased and Thereafter, the infrahepatic vena cava inferior was ligated proxibile flow increased by pretreatment with bumetanide. mally to the right renal vein. The liver was dissected free and transferred to the perfusion bath filled with 0.9% NaCl, so that it floated Thus, both furosemide and bumetanide showed a clear freely. After transfer, homogeneity of perfusion was ascertained by benificial effect on rat livers subjected to warm ischinjecting 0.3 mL trypan blue (Serva, Heidelberg, Germany; 1 mmol/ emia. These data suggest that one means by which so-L in 0.9% NaCl) into the portal vein.
dium ions are accumulated during liver ischemia mightThe livers were perfused with 37ЊC Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate be the Na sodium in the incubation medium is replaced by choline, loss glucamine or HCl. Controls for the latter perfusions: Krebs-Henseleit without bicarbonate). The livers were perfused using a roller pump (Gilson, Villiers Le Bel, France) in a nonrecirculating perfusion system.7 Flow rate was 0.1 mL/min/g rat weight, which equalled 3.0 toAbbreviations: LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; NMR, 3.5 mL/min/g liver weight and resulted in a portal pressure of 4-6 nuclear magnetic resonance; Tm(DOTP), Thulium 1,4,7,4,7,