In structural health monitoring, one wishes to use available measurements from a structure to assess structural condition, localize damage if present, and quantify remaining life. Nonlinear system identification methods are considered that use a parametric, nonlinear, physics-based model of the system, cast in the state-space framework. Various nonlinear filters and parameter learning algorithms can then be used to recover the parameters and quantify uncertainty. This paper focuses on the particle filter (PF), which shows the advantage of not assuming Gaussianity of the posterior densities. However, the PF is known to behave poorly in high dimensional spaces, especially when static parameters are added to the state vector. To improve the efficiency of the PF, the concept of Rao-Blackwellisation is applied, that is, we use conditional linearities present in the equations to marginalize out some of the states/parameters and infer their conditional posterior pdf using the Kalman filtering equations. This method has been studied extensively in the particle filtering literature, and we start our discussion by improving upon and applying two well-known algorithms on a benchmark structural system. Then, noticing that in structural systems, high nonlinearities are often localized while the remaining equations are bilinear in the states and parameters, a novel algorithm is proposed, which combines this marginalization approach with a second-order extended Kalman filter. This new approach enables us to marginalize out all the states/parameters, which do not contribute to any high nonlinearity in the equations and, thus, improve identification of the unknown parameters.The idea is then to use a parametric model of the structure (using the equations of motion) that can be discretized in time and cast in state-space form. In the event that there is uncertainty in the excitation, environmental disturbance, or modeling error, some process noise may exist in the system equation. The response of structural systems is assumed to be measured at (or between) certain degrees of freedom. Because of real-life imperfections and sensor noise, one must also consider a potential measurement noise in the measurement equations. Nonlinear system identification tools are then used to recover the parameters of the model (stiffness, damping, and possible nonlinear parameters) and thus identify possible damage.For state filtering, that is, inference of the hidden (non-measured) states, the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and the particle filter (PF) are both extensively studied in the literature. For parameter estimation, many different algorithms can be used: point estimates can be obtained via optimization algorithms (minimization of an error function, maximization of the likelihood, and expectation-maximization algorithm), or one can perform Bayesian inference, that is, infer the whole posterior density function (pdf) of the parameters knowing the measurements (Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, joint state/parameter filters).However, learning al...