A B S T R A C T The present work studies a self-similar high-speed expanding crack of mode-I in a ductile material with a modified cohesive zone model. Compared with existing Dugdale models for moving crack, the new features of the present model are that the normal stress parallel to crack faces is included in the yielding condition in the cohesive zone and traction force in the cohesive zone can be non-uniform. For a ductile material defined by von Mises criterion without hardening, the present model confirms that the normal stress parallel to crack face increases with increasing crack speed and can be even larger than the normal traction in the cohesive zone, which justifies the necessity of including the normal stress parallel to the crack faces in the yielding condition at high crack speed. In addition, strain hardening effect is examined based on a non-uniform traction distribution in the cohesive zone.C 1 , C 2 = longitudinal and transverse elastic wave speeds C R = Rayleigh wave speed f = traction distribution function F xx , ……G xt = eight analytic functions G = energy release rate G I = elastostatic energy release rate M, M 1 , M 2 = speed-dependent functions q 1 = a constant measuring traction distribution r = polar coordinate R = Rayleigh wave function S y = normal traction on cohesive zone t = time coordinates T = remote mode-I tensile loading u x , u y = components of displacement vector V a , V c = crack tip velocity and cohesive zone tip velocityx, y = rectangular coordinates Y = yielding stress of material α 1 , α 2 = the quantities (1 À V a 2 /C 1 2 ) 1/2 and (1 À V a 2 /C 2 2 ) 1/2 δ = crack tip opening displacement ζ , ζ d , ζ s = complex variables κ = dimensionless material parameter defined by Poisson's ratio μ = elastic shear modulus ν = Poisson's ratio ξ, η 1 , η 2 = rectangular coordinates in the transformed planes ρ = mass density σ xx , σ xy , σ yy = components of stress tensor φ, ψ = two wave functions Correspondence: C. Q. Ru.