This paper presents a design environment for cycle-based systems, such as microprocessors, that permits modeling of these systems at various levels, from the abstract system level, through the detailed RTL level, to an actual implementation. The environment allows the models to be refined to lower levels in a step-wise manner. The environment provides the ability to obtain meaningful metrics from abstract models of a processor's architecture. This capability allows design alternatives to be evaluated earlier in the design cycle, thus eliminating costly redesign and reducing the processor time to market.
IntroductionCurrently within the design community there is an increasing interest in the development of methodologies which reduce the time to market for a given system under development. One area of particular concern deals with the development of application specific processors [1]. With integrated circuits projected to reach the size of over 100 million transistors per die by the turn of the century [2], this increasing complexity must be handled properly so as not to adversely affect processor design time. One way to address this problem of complexity management is through the use of a top-down design methodology.Top-down design methodologies have been used to design digital hardware design since the early 1970's [3]. A top-down design methodology follows a design from the top level, usually the specification level, of detail down to a detailed implementation. Model refinement in these methodologies works by having each level of detail serve as the design specification for the level of detail immediately below. It is acknowledged that if this hierarchical chain can be verified from one level of detail to the next, the resulting behavioral implementation will be "right the first time" [4]. Being able to develop systems that work on the first pass in a timely manner helps address the time to market problem. Unfortunately, there exists a lack of modeling environments which promote complete top-down design and refinement of processors from the system level.This paper presents a timed cycle-based design environment which is geared toward the development of pipelined datapaths for processors and other synchronous systems. This cycle-based environment permits the processor designer to model and hierarchically refine pipelined processor datapaths from the system level down through the RTL level until a behavioral implementation has been developed. This paper focuses on the modeling and development of pipelined datapaths because most modern processor architectures contain considerable pipelining. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows; Section 2 presents a background of existing processor design environments. Section 3 presents an overview of the new design environment proposed herein. Section 4 describes the intermediate level modeling capability of the environment that provides a link between the abstract system level of modeling and the detailed functional level model. Finally, Section 5 present...