Abstract-recently, the number of radio Base Stations (BS) is increasing drastically to cover large area and that leads to increase the cost. Therefore, instead of increasing the number of BS, height of BS is required to be increased. In this paper, we propose to use Tethered Balloon for carrying BS to altitude 200-440 meter. Therefore, it is able to provide effective and efficient telecommunication facilities and service with low cost. Additionally, the multi-Tethered Balloons concept has been used to extend the coverage area especially in thinly populated and remote areas. This paper describes possible multiple Tethered Balloons constellations, and explains how it is possible to increase the capacity. In this case, the WiMAX station is allocated in Tethered Balloon payload. Then, Quality of Service (QoS) parameters are measured and simulated for multiple Tethered Balloons using Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET) Modeler 14.5 for the network implementation. The performance of our proposed technology is effectively and efficiently for delivering broadband communication services for large coverage areas.