Abstract:The success of software development projects to a large extent depends on the quality of the models that are produced in the development process, which in turn depends on the conceptual and practical support that is available for modelling, design and analysis. This paper focuses on model-driven support for service-oriented software development. In particular, it addresses how services and compositions of services can be designed, simulated and implemented. The support presented is part of a larger framework, called COSMO (COnceptual Service MOdelling). Whereas in previous work we reported on the conceptual support provided by COSMO, in this paper we proceed with a discussion of the practical support that has been developed. We show how reference models (model types) and guidelines (design steps) can be iteratively applied to design service compositions at a platform independent level and discuss what tool support is available for the design and analysis during this phase. Next, we present some techniques to transform a platform independent service composition model to an implementation in terms of BPEL and WSDL. We use the mediation scenario of the SWS challenge (concerning the establishment of a purchase order between two companies) to illustrate our application of the COSMO framework.Keywords: service composition, service modelling, service design, model-driven design, COSMO, conceptual framework, simulation, BPEL transformation Teduh Dirgahayu is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands. He holds an MSc in Telematics from the UT. His research interests include design methods, architectures for distributed systems, business process modelling, service-oriented computing and model-driven engineering. His PhD research is focused on the interaction design of service compositions, from business interaction specifications at higher abstraction levels down to executable implementations. It includes the development of a transformation tool to transform a specification at an implementation level to an executable implementation in BPEL. He participated in the Freeband/A-MUSE project (BSIK 03025). model-driven design and enterprise interoperability. He was a Project Manager of the Dutch Freeband/A-MUSE project (BSIK 03025) on model-driven design of context-aware services and currently leads the Dutch GenCom/U-Care project (IGC0816) on tailorable and adaptive homecare services.