This study is an evaluation, from the patient's point of view, of CAD CAM prosthesis sockets compared with conventional sockets. Twenty-two trans-tibial amputees were divided into two groups. One group was provided with a CAD CAM (CAPOD) socket, the other with a conventionally made one. After one month the groups were evaluated with regard to subjective experience, the judgement of a prosthetist and a physiotherapist, social variables and objective gait parameters. Then the groups switched over to the other type of socket, and after another month a new evaluation was performed. The study design was a single-blind study. In total 175 variables were evaluated. No difference was found between the two types of socket, except for a lower number of terry cloth stockings used in the CAD CAM socket. As the standard of conventional prosthetics in Sweden is considered to be high, the results were considered as satisfactory. The quality of the CAD CAM sockets was at least at the same level as conventionally made ones.