An electrostatic deflector has been designed and constructed that can be used in a reflecting time-of-flight mass spectrometer for either single-deflector or dual-deflector velocity selection in post-source decay measurements. The deflector consists of an interleaved set of parallel deflection electrodes as in a Loeb/Cravath/Bradbury device, but thin metal ribbon instead of wire is used for the deflection electrodes. The time for reversing the electric field, which depends on various factors such as the electronics for pulsing the voltage and the time constant of a particular electrode geometry, is about 19 ns for the deflectors used in this study. By properly timing the reversal of the electric field, the time-window for ion transmission can be made substantially less than the switching time of each individual deflector. In conjunction with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization, the single-deflector's resolving power and transmission are robust with respect to laser fluence, i.e. they remain high even when the fluence is raised well above threshold. By contrast the operational features of the dual-deflector gate offer more versatility in locating and sizing the selection window. Operating the ion selector in a single-deflector mode, we have achieved a resolving power of approximately 710 full width at half maximum (FWHM) for different isotopes of protonated, sodiated, and potassiated substance-P (m/z 1348.6, 1370.6 and 1386.6 respectively; 10.073 keV). Operating it in the dual-deflector mode under two different sets of conditions, we have succeeded in obtaining resolving powers of approximately 1100 (FWHM) for protonated substance-P (m/z 1348.6; 10.8 keV) and approximately 5200 (FWHM) for an isotopomer of PEG 6000 (approximately m/z 6000; 10.04 keV). This accomplishment implies that high-resolution ion selection can be coupled to post-source decay analyses.