Sum m ary: In this study, we describe the distribution of fibres th a t co n tain calcitonin g e n e -re la te d p e p tid e in norm al bones and in bones th a t are rem odeling a fter insertion of an im plant. W ith ro u tin e histology and a n ti bodies to calcitonin gen e-related peptide, sm all neural and free-ru n n in g fibres staining positively lo r c alcito nin gene-related p ep tid e w ere found in the p erio steu m , en d o steu m , and cortical bone of the tibia in the goat. In m any cases, th e free-running fibres w ere associated with b lood vessels th a t e n te re d the b o n e th ro u g h V olkm a n n 's canals. T he endosteal b lood supply was d estro y ed as a result of in sertio n of th e im plant. T h e n ecro tic b o n e was no longer innervated, as show n by th e lack of staining for th e antibodies. A t 6 w eeks, a re p a ir p h ase sta rte d with revascularization and rem o d elin g of the necrotic en d o steal bone. D u rin g this re p a ir phase, th e re was increased innervation with fibres containing calcitonin g en e-related p e p tid e in the rem o d elin g cavities at the interface betw een living and necrotic bone, T hese fibres en d ed blindly, w ith m any large varicosities, an d could be d em o n strated by im m unostaining with m onoclonal antibodies to B -50/grow th associated p ro tein -4 3 , an an tib o d y to outgrow ing n eu ro n al fibres. T he correlative occurrence b e tw e e n extensive sp ro u tin g o f fibres containing calcitonin g en e-related p ep tid e and the rem odeling of necrotic en d o steal bone suggests th a t s e n sory fibres with calcitonin g en e-related p ep tid e have a regulatory role in the control of angiogenesis o r o f b o n e rem odeling associated with th e insertion of an im plant, or with both i « i r » É ) i n n i r r r o r i i w i * -Î