Every humans need a continous changes to actualize all of their potential. Personal transformation often used by researchers and experts to refer this biological and psychological changes. This process is not a momentary process, but a dynamic, lifelong, with difficulties and obstacles. Many factors can affect it's process. Several factors have known as determinant of personal transformation generally, but these variables may not appropriately apply in Indonesia which dominantly Muslim. So, there is a need to reveal determinants of personal transformation among muslim in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the determinants of personal transformation among muslim in a character school in Indonesia. The research method is qualitative exploratory research with open ended questionaire, FGD, and interviews. In the results, religiousity, social support, and meaning of life seems dominantly initiate and support the transformation process. Another variables also found as initiative and supporting variables. In this research, seems that obstacle of transformation come from stressor in life, significant others, also internal factors like spiritual sickness in the heart, and dependency. The dynamic of determinants and theoretical explanation discussed. Further process of deepening the findings is needed.