This document shows the summaries of the several tests we have taken. Breathing occurs in the human lungs. Every time they inhale, they push a system that triggers motivation and the exhalation process. It is really reasonably priced. This can be used when a patient's vital condition is in jeopardy and they are suffering from the harmful consequences of lung or breathing problems. It usesa stepper motor component to propel the ambulance bag. Heartbeat levels are low during breathing, although this component can be. The levels of respiration and heartbeat are displayed on the LED screen. A ringer is included in the system to sound alert in the event that any anomalies related to a patient's critical condition or breathing problem are discovered. In addition, to prevent over- or under-air pressure, the ventilator should be able to track the patient's blood oxygen saturation level and exhale lung strain. The Arduino-powered ventilator that we are developing here satisfies all of these requirements, making it an affordable and dependable do-it-yourself ventilator that can be useful during a pandemic