ecosystems that simply do not apply to print publishing. Whether readers, authors, institutions, or funders support the costs of publishing, publishing to a contemporary online standard-making medical science discoverable, mobile, consumable, and social-is a complex, full-time, and ongoing program that should be a part of conversations about the standards and costs of how to make science more accessible and open.We have thought through every pixel of every page of the new platform. We believe we are delivering a better experi-ence but surely have gotten some things wrong or overlooked others. Websites, like cars, depreciate rapidly the instant proud new owners take possession of them, so we are committed to a plan-do-study-act quality improvement process: having planned and launched the site we will now closely watch what is working and what is not, listen to and solicit comments from our many users, and revise the site continually and appropriately. We encourage users and readers to visit our FAQ website and give us feedback at