“…Indicative findings from category-based WA research, with examples of studies reporting them, include: - In the majority of studies, paradigmatic or meaning-based responses are most prevalent, and clang or form-based responses least prevalent.
- The likelihood that a participant will produce a paradigmatic response or a meaning-based response is increased:
- if they know the cue word well enough to use it in a sentence (Wolter, 2001)
- if the (L2) cue word is relatively familiar (Söderman, 1993; Wolter, 2001)
- if they are an expert user (L1 or advanced L2) of the language of the WA task (Zareva, 2007; Jiang & Zhang, 2019)
- the more proficient in L2 they are (Söderman, 1993; Orita, 2002; Zareva, 2007; Zareva & Wolter, 2012; Khazaeenezhad & Alibabaee, 2013)
- if the cue words are nouns (Nissen & Henriksen, 2006)
- the older they are (Namei, 2004)
- if they are adult (Cremer, Dingshoff, de Beer, & Schoonen, 2011)
- if they are a heritage L2 speaker (Kim, 2013).
- The likelihood that a participant will produce a clang or orthographic/phonological response is increased:
- the younger they are (Namei, 2004)
- if they are using their L2 (Wolter, 2001; Namei, 2004; Fitzpatrick, 2006; Norrby & Håkansson, 2007; Hui, 2011; Jiang & Zhang, 2019)
- if they are learning L2 outside the target language environment (Håkansson & Norrby, 2010)
- the less proficient in L2 they are (Söderman, 1993; Orita, 2002; Khazaeenezhad & Alibabaee, 2013)
- if the cue word is relatively unfamiliar or newly acquired (Söderman, 1993; Wolter, 2001).
- The likelihood that a participant will produce a syntagmatic/collocational/position-based response is increased:
- if they are using their L2 (Norrby & Håkansson, 2007; Zareva, 2007; Håkansson & Norrby, 2010)
- if they are using their L1 (Fitzpatrick, 2006; Fitzpatrick & Izura, 2011)
- if they are learning their L2 as a foreign rather than second language (Norrby & Håkansson, 2007)
- the less proficient they are (Söderman, 1993; Orita, 2002; Zareva, 2007; Zareva & Wolter, 2012; Khazaeenezhad & Alibabaee, 2013)
- if the cue words are adjectives (Nissen & Henriksen, 2006).