This paper investigates the effect of corporate social responsibility reporting on financial performance use triple bottom line of 130 stock market companies in developing countries Libya and Jordan. Twenty reporting criteria were developed for evry line of reporting areas: economic, social, and environmental categories. We construct of corporate social responsibility reporting index based on global reporting initiative guidelines. Corporate social responsibility reporting toward financial performance examined by data collected from website annual reports. The sample included companies criteria used to select availability data for a period of 5 years (2008-2012). SPSS analysis used to examine hypothesis consistent with stakeholder theory and signalling theory proxied by tools of measurement use return on assets, return on equity, and return on liabilities. This result controlled by variables, size of firms and type of industry by linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis and result corporate social responsibility reporting in Libya and Jordan still not optimistic, that affected by triple bottom line and higher corporate social responsibility reporting is associated with financial performance. Our findings imply that global reporting initiative guidelines organize corporate social responsibility reporting.