The phenomenon of spontaneously growing metal whiskers (MW) raises significant reliability concerns due to its related arcing and shorting in electric equipment. The growth kinetics of MW remains poorly predictable. Here we present a theory describing the earlier observed intermittent growth of MW as caused by local energy barriers related to variations in the random electric fields generated by surface imperfections. We find the probabilistic distribution of MW stopping times, during which MW growth halts, which is important for reliability projections.Introduction -Metal whiskers [MW; illustrated in Fig. 2 (a)] are hair-like protrusions growing from the surfaces of many metals, such as Sn, Zn, Cd, and Ag. MW caused shorting in electronic packages raises significant reliability concerns and losses in different technologies ranging from aerospace and military to auto industry and medical devices. 1-5 After about 70-year of observations, the understanding of MW growth remains insufficient.Mechanical stresses, 6-9 local recrystallization regions, 10,11 intermetallic compounds, 12,13 and stress gradients 14-17 have been considered as MW driving forces. A recent electrostatic concept attributes MW growth to random electric fields generated by surfaces of imperfect metals. [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] The predictability of MW effects is hindered by their stochastic nature: MW lengths (h) and diameters (d) are mutually uncorrelated and broadly distributed obeying log-normal statistics; the local concentration of MW varies exponentially between different regions. Many other observations summarized by G. Davy 26 indicate that stochasticity as well. In particular, MW "...growth rate is often not constant. A whisker may stop growing for a while, then start growing again." 26,27 MW growth randomly interrupted for years 28 and days 29,30 was observed; Fig. 1 presents a compilation. Here, we present a theory describing the stochastically intermittent longitudinal growth of MW. We establish the statistics of MW barriers (V ) and stopping times,