Solar energy is presented as the main alternative to conventional energy sources that often rely on burning fossil fuels. However, one major obstacle to its wider adoption is the limited ability to store the energy produced that can only be generated for a few hours daily. One way to overcome this limitation is using photovoltaic energy to power urban water supply pumps. This allows the energy to be stored as potential energy in regulating reservoirs while also taking advantage of the temporal coincidence between the generation of solar energy and the daily and annual water and energy supply consumption. Given that implementing solar energy in pumping devices involves an enormous investment, the optimal payback period is identified as the key indicator to know which population is one in which this action is more advisable. This work aims to find the key factors influencing the payback period of solar photovoltaic installation in urban water supply networks. To accomplish this goal, this study analyzes all 20 municipalities in the province of Alicante (which consume groundwater) where these systems can be implemented. Furthermore, this study facilitates the identification of variables that influence the decision to install a solar photovoltaic system in an urban water supply. By measuring two or three parameters, it becomes possible to easily determine the economic viability of such an investment in towns supplied with groundwater. Furthermore, these results can be extrapolated to other municipalities with similar features (irradiance, inhabitants, etc.). This study also presents a straightforward formula that supply managers can utilize to calculate the payback period of the installation using readily available data. The main factors that affect the recovery period of a photovoltaic solar installation are the difference in monthly supply consumption between winter and summer months and the average water depth.