“…Among the above-mentioned articles, Hussain et al [1] studied the following special type of Ishikawa iterative procedure with errors (STIIPE) for two Lipschitz strictly hemicontractive-type mappings in arbitrary Banach spaces: For a given u 0 ∈ B, the iterative sequences {u n } ∞ n=0 defined by u n+1 = u (2) n = a (2) n u n + b (2) n Tu (1) n + c (2) n v (2) n , u (1) n = a (1) n u n + b (1) n Su n + c (1) n v (1) n , n ≥ 0, (1.4) where {v (1) n }, {v (2) n } are bounded sequences in B and {a (i) n }, {b (i) n }, {c (i) n } are appropriate real sequences in [0, 1] satisfying a (i) n + b (i) n + c (i) n = 1 for all i ∈ {1, 2}. Stimulated by the work of Hussain et al [1,9], Plubtieng and Wangkeeree [24], Yu et al [11], Agwu and Igbokwe [17] and Zegeye and Tufa [19] in this paper, we propose and study the following modified multi-step Noor iterative procedure with errors (MMNIPE) for two Lipschitz strictly hemicontractive-type mappings in arbitrary Banach spaces: For a given u 0 ∈ B, and a fixed m ∈ N, we compute the iterative sequences {u n } ∞ n=0 by (2) n = a (2) n u n + b (2) n Tu (1) n + c (2) n v (2) n , u (1) n = a (1) n u n + b (1) n Su n + c (1) n v (1) n , n ≥ 0,…”