“…HC > SZ > BD in amygdala and right hippocampusRadonic et al
| 2011 | 15/15/15/15 | | Chronic | Medicated | Hippocampus | ROI (manual tracing) | 2 | SZ = SAD < HC = BD in hippocampal volume |
de Castro-Manglano et al
| 2011 | 20/10/0/14 | P | FE | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM | 1.5 | HC > BD in frontal lobe, thalamus, superior temporal gyrus, cerebellum; HC > SZ frontal lobe, thalamus, hippocampus; BD > SZ hippocampus |
Cui et al
| 2011 | 36/24/0/24 | P | Acutely ill FE and chronic | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM | 3 | HC > SZ in superior temporal and inferior parietal lobe, HC < SZ in putamen; HC > BD in superior temporal, inferior parietal lobe, and caudate; HC < BD in putamen |
Ivleva et al
| 2012 | 10/19/16/17 | P | Chronic | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM, Free Surfer | 3 | HC > SZ and SAD in frontal, temporal and insular cortices, HC > SZ across neocortex, thalamus, and basal ganglia, BD = HC in cortical and subcortical gray matter volume |
Yuksel et al
| 2012 | 43/37/21/28 | P | Chronic | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM | 3 | HC > SZ in prefrontal and temporal cortices, HC < SZ in cerebellum, BD > SZ in subgenual cortex |
Watson et al
| 2012 | 59/25/0/24 | P | FE | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM | 1.5 | HC > SZ in hippocampus, thalamus, striatum and cerebellum. HC > BD in precuneus; BD > HC in cerebellum |
Mahon et al
| 2012 | 27/31/0/36 | P | Chronic | Medicated | Amygdala | Free Surfer | 1.5 | Amygdala volume SZ < BD = HC |
Ivleva et al
| 2013 | 200/146/90/115 | P | Chronic | Medicated | Whole brain | VBM | 3 | HC > SZ and SAD in frontal, temporal and insular cortices, thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. HC > BD frontal, insular, temporal and parietal cortex |
Ratnanather et al
| 2013 | 27/31/0/36 | | Chronic | Medicated | STG and planum temporale<...> |