We use complementary experiments-proton NMR diffusometry and relaxometry, deuterium NMR lineshapes, and rheometry-to construct a comprehensive picture of the microscopic structure of a mixed-surfactant wormlike micellar system composed of a zwitterionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant in brine. In this system, at some surfactant concentrations, the time for micellar breaking and recombination s b is not small compared with the micellar reptation time s R , weakening the condition to obtain a stress relaxation function with just one relaxation time at long times. From NMR relaxometry, we determine the overlap concentration. Deuterium NMR spectral lineshapes indicate the presence of a wide angular distribution in the orientational order. NMR diffusometry and rheology probe different timescales and yield complementary information indicating polymer-like behaviour at the corresponding lengthscales. Via NMR, surfactant diffusion coefficients are seen to decrease with increasing diffusion time, consistent with restricted diffusion within a reptating micelle. At the same time, comparison of measurements with protonated and deuterated surfactants strongly suggests that the measured short and long time diffusion coefficients correspond to intra-micellar and micellar diffusion, respectively. Fitting the diffusion results to a simple model, the average end-to-end micellar distance is estimated to be in the 1 mm range and only weakly dependent on concentration. The water diffusion measurements, on the other hand, imply a high degree of water structuring at the micellar surface. We also find that the wormlike micelles obeyed simple polymer-like scaling behaviors, with a crossover from Zimm-like (diffusion) to Rouse-like (rheology) exponents.