Given a metric space (Z, d) and a parameter α ≥ 0, the corresponding distance graph on Z is obtained by drawing edges x ∼ y whenever x, y ∈ Z and d (x, y) = α. Distance graphs have been an active topic of research in the last few decades, popularized by their relation to Erdős' n distinct distances problem [Erd46] and unit distances problem [see also Mat02, Ch. 4], among others. Of particular interest, has been the study of the chromatic number of unit distance graphs, that is, when α = 1, on Euclidean spaces. For instance, the famous Hardwiger-Nelson's problem asks to compute the chromatic number of the unit distance graph on the plane R 2 . Similar distance graphs have also been studied in higher dimensions [KR09; CKR18; KT15; Cou02], on spheres [Sim76; Kup11; Rai12; PRS17; Lov83], and even on hyperbolic spaces [DG19; PP16] (see Soifer's Mathematical Coloring Book [Soi14] for a detailed historical revision).ε-Distance graphs are a natural generalization obtained when relaxing the condition on the edges: instead of making x ∼ y only when d (x, y) = α, we may draw an edge x ∼ y whenever their distance is ε-close to α. This kind of graphs and their chromatic number, have also attracted researchers in the past few years: Exoo [Exo05], Bock [Boc19] and, Currie-Eggleton [CE15], among others, have studied the chromatic number of unit ε-distance graphs on the plane, for ε small.Provided Z is also endowed with a probability measure, we may define random ε-distance graphs: given n ∈ N, take n i.i.d. random points on Z and consider the induced subgraph on the ε-distance graph. In the case