The 2015 inventory of the forests of the Northern Great Plains States (Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota) reports more than 6.8 million acres of forest land and almost 2.2 billion trees. Forest land is dominated by the ponderosa pine and sugarberry/hackberry/elm/green ash forest types, which together occupy one-third of the total forest land area. The volume of growing stock on timberland currently totals 4.6 billion cubic feet. The average annual net growth of live trees from 2010 to 2015 was nearly 157 million cubic feet per year. This report includes additional information on forest attributes, carbon, timber products, and forest health. The following information is available online at https:// 1) descriptive information on forest inventory statistics, methods, and quality assurance of data collection; 2) tables that summarize quality assurance; 3) a core set of tabular estimates for a variety of forest resources; and 4) a Microsoft ® Access database that represents an archive of data used in this report, with tools that allow users to produce customized estimates.