In this paper we propose an actor-oriented computer platform, which is a natural outgrowth of our Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DYMONDS) modeling, communications and control paradigm for smart grids. We summarize this approach which is physics-based and explain how its actororiented structure can support a possible multi-level computer platform. By combining principles of model-based Ptolemy II computer platform with these models, we sketch out the basis for implementing a DYMONDS-based computer platform for smart grids. Both the dynamic internal models of polymorphic actors, as well as the system model of computing and communication protocols relating their external interfaces are described. Perhaps, most important is the fact that the proposed computer platform can evolve dynamically as operating conditions and status of actors vary, and, longer-term, as different components are added to the physical system and different smarts are being embedded, rather than having to re-program every time as the physical system changes; this is because new semantics are introduced at the component interaction level rather than at the programming language level.