Summary: Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a chronic and painful condition that may occur after a herpes zoster infection. The frequency of PHN after untreated zoster varies widely. Age is the most important risk factor for development of PHN. The condition occurs in an estimated 50% of patients older than 50 years. The pain of PHN can be severe and debilitating and is frequently associated with allodynia. Although in most patients pain remits within the first year, it may persist for a lifetime. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), topical agents, opioids, and gabapentin, a structural y-amino butyric acid (GABA) analogue, are the only agents that have demonstrated efficacy in randomized clinical trials for treatment of both the shooting and the burning form of pain associated with PHN. TCAs are among the most commonly used classes of agents for treating PHN and are effective in a significant proportion of patients. However, various adverse events can limit treatment. These side effects tend to be more acute in the elderly, the population most likely to suffer from PHN. Topical agents have led to mild to moderate improvement in patients with PHN but are usually ineffective as monotherapy for this condition. Until recently, carbamazepine was the only antiepileptic drug evaluated for the treatment of PHN. Over the past few years, however, gabapentin has received increasing attention as a useful treatment for neuropathic pain. Gabapentin lacks significant drug-drug interactions and has a favorable safety profile, which makes it particularly useful for treatment of PHN. Key Words: Postherpetic neuralgia-Gabapentin-Herpes zoster.
POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIAPHN is a chronic painful condition that sometimes occurs after a zoster infection. Although most investigators confirm persistent pain for at least 3 months after healing of the characteristic rash before making this diagnosis, others have diagnosed PHN as early as 3 to 4 weeks after healing (15)(16)(17) or not until 6 months after healing ( 18). The frequency of PHN after untreated zoster has varied widely in different series, but a metaanalysis of 14 placebo-controlled clinical trials of acyclovir for acute zoster found that 22% of placebo-treated patients went on to develop this condition (19). The most important risk factor for developing PHN is age (20), with incidence estimates of 50% for patients older than 50 years and 75% for those above 65 years (2,4,21). Women are more commonly affected than men (22), which might be a reflection of the predominance of women in the older age group.The pain of PHN can be quite severe and incapacitating and is described as lancinating, stabbing, shooting, or steady and burning, and is frequently associated with S51