Background: The high quality, high yield and purity RNA samples are essential for subsequent molecular experiments such as RT-PCR, qPCR and RNA-seq. However, harvest high quality RNA samples from different tissues in Lilium davidii var. unicolor is a great challenge due to its polysaccharides, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites. In this study, three RNA extraction methods, namely modified TRIzol method, Kit and CTAB methods were reported to obtain the total RNA from Lilium davidii var. unicolor, and the efficient RNA extraction protocol (modified TRIzol method) was described. Results: A Nano drop spectrophotometer and 1% gel electrophoresis were used to detect the RNA quality and integrity. Compared with Kit and CTAB methods, the higher RNA concentrations from different tissues were obtained and the A260/280 ratios of RNA samples were ranged from1.97 to 2.27 when using the modified TRIzol method. None of intact RNA bands were gained from the modified CTAB method, indicating that the RNA samples isolation were degraded. As a result of the modified TRIzol method, the RNA samples in the different tissues from Lilium presented clear 28S and 18S bands.Conclusions: Here, modified TRIzol method is an easy, efficient, and low-cost method for RNA isolation from Lilium davidii var. unicolor. Thus, modified TRIzol method is sufficient to gain eligible RNA to support further molecular experiments in Lilium davidii var. unicolor.