“…Compared with K-means clustering, the proposed algorithm can improve the detection accuracy by 1.13% in terms of mAP when using 9 anchors. (9,10), (15,15), (22,23), (31,34), (47,53), (145,178) K-means 9 82.00 (8,9), (12,12), (16,15), (19,20), (24,25), (30,32), (40,44), (51,58), (145,178) 6 81.69 (14,15), (24,27), (44,51), (96,180), (153,146), (187,213) Proposed 9 83.13 (13,13), (19,19), (30,31), (41,50), (50,60), (134,171), (99,197), (157,113), (176,214) Finally, to verify the generality of the proposed scheme, we have also tested the proposed detection framework on the DIOR dataset. As illustrated in Figure 10, the distribution of the obtained anchors by using the proposed scheme is also more evenly allocated than K-means clustering.…”