Ionizing radiations are types of energies that have sufficient force to remove electrons from atoms, creating ions in the process. They include all electromagnetic waves from ultraviolet light to x-rays and gamma rays as well as alpha to beta particles. Ionizing radiations results in harmful effects on living organisms such as damage of cell structures and DNA due to their ability to ionize atoms and molecules. This paper seeks to review the effects of these radiations and how to be protected in real time. Exposure to high levels of ionizing radiations cause immediate symptoms, such as burns, nausea, and vomiting, also it can lead to serious health problems, including cancer, genetic mutations and death. Long-term exposure to lower levels of ionizing radiation can increase the risks of cancer and other diseases. Cancers have become a scourge in today’s world, with breast cancer, leukemia, cervical and prostate cancers being the most notable types. The development of cancer is a complex multistage process that usually takes many years. The contributions of ionizing radiations to its development cannot be overemphasized. However, ionizing radiation is also used for beneficial purposes, such as medical imaging, radiation therapy, and for energy production. The key is to use it safely and responsibly so as to reduce its debilitating effects.