“…This point can be illustrated by the "C + "C cluster decomposition of the A = 24 system. With "C internal functions of SU(3) symmetry (n,~,) = (04), (J,_,P~__,) = (04), the possible channel internal SU(3) quantum numbers are (&) = (OS), (16), (24), (32) and (40). For such a system of two identical fragments, however, the symmetrically coupled internal functions with &+P~ = even, (&) = (08), (24), (40), can couple only with relative motion functions of even Q, (and hence even L), and have positive parity; whereas the antisymmetrically coupled internal functions with &+P~ = odd, (&cr,) = (16), (32) couple only with relative motion functions of odd Q and have negative parity.…”