Although a large proportion of anterior uveitis is noninfectious, viruses are regarded as an important cause of infectious anterior uveitis. Herpes viruses are common infectious causes of hypertensive anterior uveitis. PCR analysis of aqueous sample collected at the slit lamp under aseptic conditions for viral DNA is commonly used technique to confirm the diagnosis during the acute phase. Anterior uveitis may be shortened by the prompt use of therapeutic doses of antiviral therapy and maintenance therapy may be effective in decreasing disease recurrence. In eyes with raised IOP, topical antiglaucoma medications can be given. Eyes with severe elevation of IOP may require oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and filtration surgery may be indicated in medically uncontrolled glaucoma with optic neuropathy. Abbreviations: herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), intraocular pressure (IOP), Keratic precipitates (KPs).