terectomv (Johnlstoin aind others 2001). In other cascs, finding ani extraLuter-inCe fCtus may be associated with dvstocic problems durinlg palrtUrition (Chivers 1971) or parturition after an accident, as in this case. There are some reports where these cases have becei referred to as ectopic pregnancies, implying extrauteriine fctal growth (Ryer and Ryer 1979, Palmer 1989). However, the aLuthors believe that these findings should be described as ulndliagtnosed and unobserved uterine ruptures. This case emlphiasises that the apparent lack of any advcrse effect of the intr-a-abdomiinal fetuses upon the cat could suggest that uterinie ruLpture in cats is not a rare conditioin but that, in im(ost cascs, the process is not diagnosed. References FARRIF , (13., (OF RI. I.'. & PfI ILtIRI K, A. I. 1972) Pri ir .yIbdoniitial pieglalncy ill C lt SL'ibseqelCllt to ovariohystercctonfliv. Joulb ol i lit AnIcr1 an ChT-11 011 A'(It/ 'd. (liCt-lAsol at4S(lotiOl 160, 308-3 I () 1 HIVFRS A. itS. 1971 AnI LLsial finidinig in a cat. I t't('t cinar d Kcor(188, 5(6 CORNER, l. 1). (19 474 Dstotcia in the cat. t'tt'1 ita Rccoo(l 94, 523-526 JACSFKSON P. (. (I995) IPostpartLirtenit probleioms in the dog and cit. In Handbook SVeltrinity Obstetrics. Fd P. G. G. Jacksoii. Phiiadcelpbia, Wi'. I. Saiunderts. pp '7-2)0) J)t INS ON, S. 1)., 1(01 O S 1K1U 1 /, N. V. & 01 SON, P (2001)1lil)tne PIe1 ancS. In C a ttte i elitie therlogeniology. Eds S. I). Jotiistoiii Mt. S. tIoot KListritz, 1 Olsont. Philatielpthi., S\. B. Silciiders. pp 4 14-43(0 PL'Mi ER. N I. 11989 1) citiFpic rconancv in the cat. t t7rina' Rctctirt) 125, '4 RISFTI 1. & RAA KISSt1SR I 1.(199) kbcloiniial distetnsiontin ita c t (iit lill Rccodl 140, 664 RYER, K. A. &Y RNFRt 1. T 19 I97) F'xtraiateriltC 1itcininiieclt t-tlecisd (ittS t ilt? A ihti nt, tt itit ill Sm titallitm l (littit til 74 961)-961