To assess the levels of serum folate and iron in patients with and without any visible Oral leukoplakia.
To correlate serum folate and iron levels and clinical staging of Oral leukoplakia.
To correlate serum folate and iron levels and degree of dysplasia
Materials & Methods: The study comprised of 102 patients (34 Oral leukoplakia patients with habit(s), 34 patients with habit(s) and no oral leukoplakia and 34 controls). The conditions were further clinically and histo-pathologically graded. Serum folate concentration was determined by chemi-luminescent immunoassay method from the serum (blood) sample without hemolysis and serum iron concentration was determined by photometric method.
Results: The mean folate level ± SD (ng/dl) was found to be 5.17 ± 2.71 ng/dl, 5.29 ± 2.10 ng/dl and 5.37 ± 4.77 ng/dl in Oral leukoplakia patients, patients with habits without Oral leukoplakia and controls respectively. The mean iron level ± SD (μg/dl) was found to be 91.21 ± 28.73 μg/dl, 105.74 ± 33.20 μg/dl and 96.82 ± 38.92 μg/dl in Oral leukoplakia patients, patients with habits without Oral leukoplakia and controls respectively.
Conclusion: In patients with habit and without leukoplakia and controls, there was a significant increase in the serum iron level than the oral leukoplakia patients. However, nosignificant differences seen in serum folate level in these three groups. Further studieswith larger sample size should be done to conclude serum folate and iron levels as adiagnostic marker in Oral leukoplakia.
Keywords: Diagnosis, Serum folate, serum iron, potentially malignant disorders, potentially malignant disorders, Oral squamous cell carcinoma, malignant transformation, Immuno-assay.