“…Precloacal pores (P); supralabial scales (SS); infralabial scales (IS); temporal scales (TS); number of segments of the first postgenial scale row (FPG); number of segments of the second postgenial scale row (SPG); malar scales (M); number of segments of the postmalar scale row (PM); body annuli (BA); caudal annuli (CA); number of dorsal segments perannulus at midbody (DS); number of ventral segments per annulus at midbody (VS); number of segments per annulus at anterior edge of the cloaca (SAC); number of segments perannulus at posterior edge of the cloaca (SPC); number of cloacal annuli [(CCA) Cloaca annuli are those between anterior and posterior edge of the cloaca]; autotomy sites on caudal annuli (AUC). Source: * = This study, 1= (Linnaeus 1758), 2= (Gans 1962), 3= (Gans 1963), 4= (Vanzolini 2002), 5= (Maciel 2011), 6= (Dal Vechio et al 2016), 7= (Boettger 1885), 8= (Perez and Borges-Martins 2019), 9= (Cope 1861), 10= (Rodrigues 2003), 11= (Vanzolini 1991b) , 12= (Teixeira et al 2016), 13= (Vanzolini 1964), 14= (Vanzolini 1991a), 15= (Mertens 1929), 16= (Montero 2019), 17= (Peracca 1897), 18= (Gray 1865), 19= (Cope 1862), 20= (Gans 1965), 21= (Montero et al 1997), 22= (Montero 2001), 23= (Strussman and Carvalho 2001), 24= (Hoogmoed & Ávila-Pires, 1991), 25= (Duméril and Bibron 1839), 26= (Teixeira et al 2014), 27= (Gonzalez-Sponga and Gans 1971), 28=(Señaris 1999), 29=(Gans 1971), 30=(Gans and Mathers 1977), 31=(Vanzolini 1991c), 32=(Schmidt 1936), 33=(Vanzolini 1950), 34=(Rodrigues et al 2003), 35= (Rojas et al 2016, 36=(Costa et al 2018b), 37=(Vanzolini 1996), 38= (Meza-Joya 2015), 39=(Klappenbach 1960), 40=(Hoogmoed 1989), 41=(Gans 1966), 42= (Souza e Lima et al 2014), 43= (Cope 1875), 44=(Noble 1921), 45= (Gray 1872), 46=(Werner 1901), 47= (Cope 1885), 48=(Boulenger 1890), 49=(Lancini 1963), 50=(Costa et al 2018a), 51=(Vanzolini 1994), 52= (Castro-Mello 2003, 53=(Boulenger 1907), 54=(Gans 1967), 55=(Thomas 1966), 56=(Boulenger 1915), 57=(Strauch 1881), 58 =(Ruthven 1922), 59=, 60=(Vanzolini 1995), 61=(Costa et al 2019), 62=…”