The tourism industry is one of the most prominent sectors in analyzinguser-generated content, considering the amount of data onsocial media platforms dedicated to this subject. The analysis ofthis data can provide insights to better understand customer opinionsabout companies’ products and services, supporting decisionmakingprocesses. This work presents a study on the Booking andTripAdvisor platforms. To this end, a comparative analysis of usergeneratedcontent on tourism social media was conducted, focusingon hotel data from Santarém, Pará, Brazil, an important touristcity in the Amazon region. The collected data went through thepre-processing stage for adaptation and cleaning, where exploratoryanalysis, gender analysis, and topic modeling and sentimentanalysis techniques were applied. The results show no significantdifference in the genres that most comment on TripAdvisor andthat both platforms have similar topics. The insights obtained canguide the public sector towards better governance and improvingbusiness processes.