RIBEIRO, Gustavo de Melo. Climate change mitigation, and subnational government competencies: energy demand modelling in urban areas and target jurisdiction. 2019, 119 f. Master's Dissertation -Graduate Program on Energy, University of São Paulo. 2019.This study aims to assess whether Brazilian municipalities and states are setting adequate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets compatible with their respective jurisdictions, as by adopting targets that do not differentiate GHG emissions generated by activities under and outside their jurisdictions, municipalities and states incorporate indirect emissions that are not under their control, such as emissions from thermoelectric plants connected to the grid and distributed throughout the Brazilian territory. The discussion focus on the energy sector that gains relevance as deforestation policies are successfully implemented, in addition urban centers presents the highest growth rates of the world energy demand, which are directly influenced by energy supply planning and the related participation of renewable sources. The argumentation for this hypothesis is based on the analysis of subnational competences in accordance with Brazilian constitution and on a case study based on energy modelling in urban areas, in which the impact on local GHG emissions is evaluated by varying the carbon intensity of the electricity matrix that supplies the National Interconnected System (SIN). In support of both analyses, a review on international negotiations on climate change is carried out, followed by an analysis of domestic commitments made by Brazilian States and Municipalities. To support our analysis, we present the fundamental concepts on quantification and monitoring of GHG emissions and good practices for proposing mitigation goals. As a methodological foundation for the preparation of this work, we used the systemic literature review focusing on the following themes: "climate policy", "energy modelling", and on related and transversal themes, and also developed an energy model for the Intermunicipal Consortium of the Western Metropolitan Region of São Paulo consisting of the cities of Barueri,