Objective: to present a methodological sequence resulting from multicriteria analysis indicating areas with different Aedes aegypti intervention priorities. Methods: a Female Aedes Displacement Index (IDFAedes) was created, consolidated according to urban blocks, representing interaction between population densities, Aedes aegypti oviposition sites and dengue case notifications; a graphical model (Model Builder) was developed with QGIS software using the Kernel mapping algorithm and IDFAedes as the weighting factor. Results: stratification for the evaluated example-Anápolis, GO, Brazil-indicated intervention priority levels for urban blocks-17.5%, very low priority; 37.3%, low; 33.6%, medium; 10.2%, high; 1.4%, very high-; blocks with medium, high, and very high priority accounted for 22.53,% of the territory in the area. Conclusion: the spatial block method proposed in this article can be included in health surveillance programs for intensified targeting and planning of control actions.