To establish the structural and psychometric properties of the OQ-45.2 and identify sensitivity to change and differences by gender. Method: It was done in clinical population included 214 consultants (111 men and 103 women) Instrument: Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2). Results: The AFC showed low rates of kindness adjustment and RMSEA value of 0.071. It was recommended that the AFE, and this structure included 20 items, explaining 58.8% of the total variance: worry, problems performing the social role, overall dissatisfaction, alcohol / drugs, relationship difficulties and dissatisfaction with relationships. For the original scale, the coefficients were found between 0.52 and 0.92; no gender difference appeared in any of the factors but sensitivity to change in therapy in all dimensions. For the structure found throughout the AFE with 20 items, the coefficients were between 0.47 and 0.75. The rates for this new structure adjustments were very suitable (CFI = 0.920, TLI = 0.902 and NFI = 0.790) and RMSEA value of 0.046. Gender-related differences in size (higher in women) overall dissatisfaction and Alcohol / drug (higher scores in man) were reported. The test reported sensitivity to change in the original scale Stress, Performance and negative interpersonal relations, and the abbreviated scale Worry, Problems of the social role and Dissatisfaction in relationships. Conclusions: 45.2 OQ did not provide a suitable structure through the AFC. The AFE reported six factors and 20 items, appropriate indexes setup, but not all factors with a high level of reliability.