Early childhood education should strive to stimulate, guide, nurture, and provide learning activities for all aspects of development, which includes the artistic aspect, in order to help children in achieving their developmental targets. Related to that, art is an activity that humans do consciously using visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic media. An art development program in early childhood education institutes means that there are teachers who understand art development for children, also provide opportunities, places, times, and tools that children can use to explore, express, and appreciate the work of themselves and others in the form of visual, movement, music, drama, and various other fields of art in a pleasant atmosphere. However, the reality of learning in kindergarten, including learning in various art development programs, seems to be given only in the form of explanations and examples, which are then continued with certain themed assignments, causing children to be lazy and bored. Therefore, it is necessary to add new activity models for children's play and learning activities. Also, one solution that can be done to overcome these problems is by conducting research on the development of integrated early childhood art innovations, in order to improve children's artistic abilities.